

My Time Machine

This 156-page color graphic novel is a contemporary sequel to the original time travel novel by H.G. Wells. It features a woman who looks very much like the author.
Fantagraphics Books, 2024



Welcome to Murderburg, Maine (formerly “Murderville”). Six full-color tales of larceny, lunacy, and love from Fantagraphics Books. 266 pages, 2024.


The Big Skinny: How I Changed My Fattitude

A cartoon diet book – part memoir – that advocates healthy choices. 208 pages in full color from Villard, an imprint of Random House, 2008.

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Goodnight, Irene: The Collected Stories of Irene Van De Kamp

All of the Irene stories collected from the Good Girls comics (Fantagraphics and Rip Off Press) plus two stories created for this book only. 132 black and white pages from Last Gasp, 2007.


Wonder Woman: Mythos (Justice League of America)

Except for the nice cover by Alex Ross, this is all words and no pictures – pure pulpfiction starring everyone’s favorite Amazon as part of a Justice League of America set. 305 pages from Pocket Books/DC Comics, 2003.


Illiterature: Story Minutes, Vol. 1

Black and white reprints of Story Minute strips from 1997-1999 with an introduction by Kim Deitch. 112 pages from Boom! Studios, 2012.

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Strip Joint

Black and white reprints of Story Minute strips from 1994-1995 with an introduction by Mark Evanier. 106 pages from Kitchen Sink Press, 1998.

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Joy Ride and Other Stories

Black and white reprints of Story Minute strips from 1995-1996 with a 60-page title story that has appeared in this book only. 106 pages from Kitchen Sink Press, 1998.


Now Endsville

23 of the earliest Story Minute strips (including “The Thing Under the Futon”) and three serialized tales “Now, Endsville,” “Sweet Sue,” and “Invisible City.” 112 pages from Kitchen Sink Press, 1993.


Kindle Books


Now, Endsville

The serial story “Now, Endsville” formatted for digital devices in full color. 51 pages from Waylay Books, 2016.


Invisible City

The serial story “Invisible City” formatted for digital devices in full color. 79 pages from Waylay Books, 2016.



A color collection of various weekly strips inspired by myths, fables, and fairy tales, formatted for digital devices. 53 pages from Waylay Books, 2016.



The first story featuring a misplaced former mobster and his family in Maine, formatted for digital devices in full color. 32 pages from Waylay Books, 2016.


A Farewell to Armories

The second Murderville story features a sexy arms dealer with bad intentions, formatted for digital devices in full color. 29 pages from Waylay Books, 2016.


Knit One

The third Murderville story centers on the kids spending a scary stormy night on an island with two old people. 53 color pages from Waylay Books, 2016.


Art Attack

Leo butts heads with a scheming artist, 54 color pages from Waylay Books, 2016.


Tourist Season

The Scazzo family gets involved in an all-out war with the snobs from Snobonquit. 59 color pages from Waylay Books, 2016.